Hypertrophy Optimization – theory and practice

Over this weekend I had the honor of presenting at the Hypertrophy Optimization - theory and practice conference in Poznan, after Dr. Brad Schoenfeld summarized the state of the art in hypertrophy research. The topic of my talk was "Minimal Equipment Personal Training for Women". Here's the gist of it: Understand gender differences. Women are … Hypertrophy Optimization – theory and practice weiterlesen

Shoulder Injuries in Striking Sports

Here's a premiere - I'm proud to present the first guest post on my blog. Today, physical therapist Anna from POS Tehrapie here in Vienna (https://www.pos-therapie.at/) shares insights on the issue of shoulder injuries. Anna has trained with me for years and was quite successfull as both a kickboxer and taekwondo player. Her athletic hightlight … Shoulder Injuries in Striking Sports weiterlesen